We will find you the most effective candidates
We assist you save some time and cash
No direct fees
Free trial for 30 days without a contract
No registration or processing fees
Completely No Obligation throughout our period.
We handle the payroll and supply the subsequent advantages to our workers you selectto retain like WSIB, CCP, EI, and FEDERAL TAX.
Our charges are reasonable and we are open to negotiation.
We listen, analyze, and customized everything according to your needs.
Find a Solution That Works For you.
JOB NEAR ME is leading Canadian workforce management. A company that is devoted to helping individual and organizations better define and meet their goals from individual employment counseling to employee management services and vocational assessment service. We are dedicated to providing our client with the right tool and resources. With our wealth of experience, JOB NEAR ME is passionate about people and helping them to work better together.
As a service provider who offers employment in Ontario, JOB NEAR ME strives to deliver the highest caliber of service to both job seekers and employers.
Our goal is to help employers to make a solution to their manpower problem in finding the right candidate, managing their workers for small, medium to large-scale companies. We do our best to develop contingent workforce strategies for every company with multiple locations across the country. We simply ensure that you have the right people in the right roles and positions to help your business grow.
Our aim is to offer you a highly qualified recruitment and staffing solutions, whether your needs are temporary, short-term or permanent, local and international trained workers are a valuable source of skills and talent for Canada's employer. You will find some different ways to hire and keep local and internationally trained foreign workers. We provide helpful and friendly tips, practical tools, and useful resources to help you on your journey to success.
Let us help you solve your staffing challenges for you to focus only on growing your business.
We provide solutions in several types of employment relationships